the babe, the boy, and me....

...a running commentary on my life in general. Who knows what I will write about on any given day? It could be about the kids (The Boy, age 3 or The Babe, age 5), it could be about my husband, or it could be about (gasp!) me, and what I am thinking/feeling/doing. After all, it is "all about erika". I am not sure how entertaining this might be to anyone who isn't me. You've been warned.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

keeping tabs

The Babe is a list maker. She keeps mental notes on all kinds of things, and always keeps it all straight. It's odd, and a bit frightening at times.

The first time The Babe made a list, it was so cute. She was two years old, it was just after The Boy was born and we were making a big deal out of the fact that we were a family, the four of us. So she made a list of the people in her family. She was #1, of course, The Boy was #2, then came Daddy, then Mommy. She added our pets to the list, and then went on to add in the Grammas and Grampas, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. The list became quite large, but she kept it all straight. We were amazed. She was two! She never got it wrong. If you asked her where Cosmo the cat was on the list, she'd tell you "#5!", every time. If you asked her who was number 17 on the list, she'd give you the same answer, every time. She never missed. It was scary.

Recently, she made a list of all her favorite colors. Silver, for example, is her fifth favorite color. The Babe has many, many lists that she keeps tabs on, and I find it to be very amusing. She's apparently a very organized little girl.

Now, today, she tells me that her Best Friend is our neighbor, Q. That's sweet, isn't it? But then she goes on... her 2nd Best Friend is C, from preschool, then A gets to be #3, and so on and so on. She's made a list of all her friends, in order of preference! Now, don't get me wrong... I know this is totally innocent and she certainly doesn't mean anything hurtful by this in the slightest. It was just two days ago that she asked me what the word "popular" means, so I'm not *really* concerned here. But, I did feel a need to try to explain to her that she should keep that list to herself. It's precisely because the whole thing is so innocent that I could see her at school, telling A that she's #3 on the list, behind C and Q. I don't want The Babe to hurt anyones feelings!

So I tried to explain it, and I am not certain The Babe "got it". She seemed to, and then she seemed not to. Knowing that the keeping of the lists is part of how she keeps herself organized, I don't want to make such a big deal of it that she feels bad about her lists, either, make sense? So, I wrapped it all up by telling her that usually people have just one Best Friend, and the rest are all Friends. She doesn't need to number them, everyone knows that Q is her Best Friend, and that's OK... I also told her that it was OK if she kept a list in her head, but that we should keep this one our little secret.

So... I'm thinking this is a real skill she has. What do you think she could do with this crazy ability to keep tabs?


Blogger CrunchyCon said...

I agree keeping the list to herself is a good idea. It's heartbreaking that something so innocent could hurt other's feelings. I think her ability is amazing and can help her a lot. That or she has the beginings of OCD (lol). She is so cute!

7:40 AM  
Blogger sb said...

Wow, that is pretty impressive, at the age of 2 no less!

I think your answer of one best friend and rest being friends is a good one.

As for her talent, it sounds like she's very logical and organized. May be she'll be the next Martha Steward! May be she'll be good in math or law? In any case it will come in handy thru out her life.

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is adorable.

Let's see, she could keep track of my lists. My lists needs lists at this point!

10:03 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

I'm very impressed!

11:59 AM  
Blogger A Crafty Mom said...

LOL - a smart, sweet girl!!! And yes, maybe a wee bit of OCD thrown in there ;-)!

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's so funny!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, she will never be able to use the excuse that she forgot to do her homework later on! She's just too cute!!

11:49 PM  

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