body parts
OK. I'm a prude. I admit it. Frank talk about things of a sexual nature makes me a bit uncomfortable. Lord, help my children when it's time to have "The Talk".
Since the beginning of time with The Kiddos, I have referred to their business as their 'tushie' and their 'bottom'. It makes no difference to me that one of them is a girl and one is a boy, and that therefore they have completely different tushies; that's just the lingo we use. That's what I am comfortable with. Now you know.
I've read the articles about the benefits of calling the parts of the body by their "real" name. I don't disagree with the studies, necessarily, I just find that I don't have it in me to be so clinical with my small children. But, as much as I am a total prude, I also always knew that I wouldn't lie to my kids about anything. If they flat out ask me a question, I will answer it.
A long time ago, The Babe noticed that she and The Boy have different tushies. She asked me about it, point blank, and I told her that he was different from her because he is a boy and she is a girl. She asked me what it is called, what does he have, what's that extra piece? So, I told her. I said the 'P' word. I told her that's what it's called when you are talking to a doctor or nurse, but that around these parts, it's called a tushie. She asked what to call her tushie if she were speaking to a doctor or nurse, and I was forced to use the 'V' word, too. It was a great day for me, using both those words within 3 minutes of each other. I should have written down the date, because I had never intended for it to happen again.
Until today. The Babe and The Boy were in their bath. They have discovered that the bar of soap is funny, that it is slippery and silly when it's wet. They wash each other's tummys and backs and knees and elbows. They've been doing this for a few days, and I think it's cute. Today The Babe says "OK, now I'll wash your penis and you can wash my vagina". Hmmm... My ears perk up a bit at this, of course, and even though it absolutely could not have been more innocent, all I wanted to do was put a stop to it. But since there's really no way to do that without turning the whole situation into a bigger deal than it ever needs to be at this stage in their lives, I just kept my mouth shut. It was kind of sweet, after all, and it was followed with "OK, now get my tummy".
The best part came after the bath, as The Babe was trying to teach the words to The Boy. She told him what he had and what she had and pointed out the differences. The Boy was actually quite upset. "No!!! I have 'gina! I have 'gina, too, Dizzy". He was practically in tears. I guess I'll wait a while before I explain to The Boy that we don't actually get to share everything. Poor little guy, already knows it's better to be a girl, LOL.