"every time you go away...
.... you take a piece of me with you." Sing along, folks! You know you remember this old Paul Young song.
No, I'm not going to write another post (yet) about a song, it was just an appropriate title for me today.
My children are not here. They have gone to stay with their Gramma L. The four of us went out to lunch yesterday, and Gramma took The Kiddos home with her, while I went home all by myself. Well, my husband is still here, technically, but he's been working. I get The Kiddos back tomorrow, don't worry.
What this means is that I will have had two whole nights and one whole day in my house with no children to care for. How strange. Of course, I had grand plans for all of the things I would get done. I think my plans were too ambitious. I only finished about half of the things on my list.
-I stripped the beds and washed all the bedding in The Kiddos' rooms
-I cleaned up the bookshelf and put away books that have been outgrown
-I cleaned up the toys and put away those that are not given much attention anymore
-I spent way too much time on the computer
-I watched Project Runway 3 times last night
-I went out to lunch with my husband
Here are some odd things I noticed about myself when I get to be myself. First of all, I'm not very good at just being Erika anymore. I seriously didn't know what to do with myself, hence all the projects I gave myself. What did I used to do before kids? I must have been very bored. There wasn't even the internet back then! LOL. There was the internet, but I didn't even have email, that's for sure.
Secondly, I am apparently a slob. If I am not cleaning up after The Kiddos, I guess I'm just not cleaning. I left all my dishes in the sink for a whole day. There were crumbs all over my counter tops. I slept until 10:30 a.m. and barely made the bed. I did take a shower (thank goodness), but not until 8:30 p.m.
Third, I'm boring now. I spent a good deal of time looking at the clock and saying things like "Hmmm... it's 5:00, if The Kiddos were here, I'd be making dinner". or "wow, 6:00 already, and look at me, not even starting the bath". "7:15! I'd be putting The Kiddos to bed now".
Good God, woman, THINK! What did you used to do before The Kiddos? What did you think about? What happened in your day? How did you spend your time?
If today is any indication, I apparently spent my time sleeping, eating, and entertaining myself with mindless things such as the E! Fashion Police, Emmy edition. Yes, I must have been very bored. I am glad to get The Kiddos back tomorrow.